Bed build progress

Here is my faux Goose gear baseplate and new fridge slide! I’m super happy with the progress. Still lots of work to do though


Out of curiosity what size is your Dometic? Also how much head room is left from the top of the fridge to the upper frame member of the GFC? I assume its a 3rd gen Tacoma.

Thanks for sharing!

Looks great so far. I’m looking to do the same to mine. Did you make a template? Are those the stock bed bolts holding it down? Did you use two different slides (one for fridge and one internally for stove or something)?

My dometic is the cfx40. I’ll need to measure the space above. I’ll check and reply later. Yes, I have a 3rd gen

Thank you! Yes, I took a piece of Baltic birch plywood 5’x5’ and traced the bedmat on it. Then I cut it out with a jig saw.

Factory bed bolt are used. This is the same thing that goose gear does. Only three bolts; the passenger side closest to the cab and the two in the middle.

I copied this guys design:

This is my main slide:

And the secondary Slide is just a smaller 100lb capacity slide.

I’m thinking about fabricating a smaller version of a coffee table hinge and putting a table/drawer under the fridge.

I like to cook on a skottle, so I will not be putting a stove under this.

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Here are two pix of my setup…used it late May enroute to the Grand Canyon (coffee in the snow!). Waiting on my GFC to keep building out the bed, but not sure how much more I will build in, or just keep gear loose. I need to go back and check on using the bed bolts, as you talked about. I used two heavy duty slides–probably overkill.
I like your metal slides, SagWagon!


I’m now thinking about selling my skottle and getting a nice stove to mount under my fridge.

What stove are you using SW-Tacoma?

I bought a Camp Chef Everest. I bent up an old license plate to help hold the fuel bottle, as it kind of hangs over the edge of my drawer. Not a big deal, but wanted to keep some of the weight off the fuel pipe/rod.

Here’s what I made for my bed. Cooler and water jug sit on the right side. I plumbed a hose from my 7gal water jug so it can sit behind the cooler until it needs a refill. Left side is the pantry drawer. It contains a mounted stove, utensils drawer and fold away cutting board. I went with a 1 gal refillable propane tank to stop throwing away the green bottles. Towards the cab there are two cubbies. They house my bike tools, climbing rope, and goal zero battery


Sweet rig! I thought I would build in a lot o’ stuff, but I think I will use more modular/removable gear, in the long run.

I like to build tricky things too, and thought about sub-floors and slide out drawers. in the end, I found these setups too limiting, as I haul branches to the dump, pick up large things and have different loads for different kinds of trips. the only thing I made up was a birch ply piece that has two front axle mounts for our bikes. this piece comes out very easily for dump runs and is trapped in place by the tailgate.
one of the core beauties of the GFC is that your truck can remain a truck to use for truckie things. cheers, Ken


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