Reclining Panel Anyone / Interior Table for Camper Tent?

Hi Team !

I am clearly overly excited about receiving build #5859 in January, it’s going to be a long couple of months…

I am wondering if anybody has ever tried to modify the large rectangular sleeping panels ( or any of the panels for that matter) to have a ‘recline mode’ so to speak…
I know Alucab have something like this built in to many of their tents / campers, and just brainstorming in my head, I feel like it could be done by adding some type of hinge and stabilizing pole.

If so, I’d love to see what / how you’ve done it!

I also feel like it wouldn’t be too tricky to add some sort of drop down table (again similar to Alucab)

Pictures of what I’m describing attached !


Drop down table here: