Road shower on a go fast?

How is the shower attached to the rack? I want to do the exact installation on my Prinsu rack.

Will try to get some other pictures today but I simply used a spacer washer under the road shower to allow the edges of it to still sit on the edge of the wrack flush and be supported by that part of the rack as well.

What about strapping to the camper frame inside along the top of the side door frame section? I’m planning a 6” PVC pressurized tank 50” long which should be 50 lbs dynamic when full (water) and 10-15 lbs static (PVC pipe and fittings). Same longitudinal dynamic load as if it was strapped to beef bars on the roof
just lower center of gravity.

Looking to install my road shower horizontally on the Martin OR rack, how did you guys do it?

Can you show exactly how you mounted the roadshower to the crossbar? I have the same roof rack as you (Martin Off Road) and the same Roadshower, but am struggling with how to mount it, as the crossbar runs the same direction as the Yakima Roadshower installation lines. Looking for ideas in how to install this roadshower like you did (horizontal on the roof rack).

Mounted my shower to the beef bars, filled it with water. Arrived at a campsite at 1am and was very surprised as I could not open the camper at all haha. After draining the whole thing out still can’t lift the tent and had to sleep in the truck bed. Next day fully emptied the shower and the cargo box barely could open the tent and had to put a piece of wood to hold it open.
Very frustrated, what did I do wrong? :smiling_face_with_tear:
Or am I too naive to expect the struts holding any extra weight on the beef bars?

+1 for Naïveté

At 8lbs/gal you are adding a minimum of 40lbs (not sure which shower size you have) to your struts

Also, not sure what , but it seems like you also are carrying some considerable weight in the cargo box

Keep in mind, if you do change out the struts for a heavier weight to support the additional roof load, it will be much harder to close without the additional weight

Yeah mine is 10gal.
But even with empty shower and empty cargo box it doesn’t stay open.
Probably need to look into stronger struts. And/or figuring out if mounting the shower on the side is an option.

Yeah, looking it up Yakima says the 10 gallon weighs 37lbs empty
Beef bars weigh 6 lbs
the average weight for Thule boxes empty is still like 30lbs

So your looking at easily70+ lbs over stock just for empty carriers, it makes sense that gfc has a smaller margin as if the stock ones supported that customers with slick roofs would be pulling easily over 50 lbs overhead

@Brymza , here’s some group discussion about the topic:

Also consider where you mount the extra weight. Close down by the hinge will have less impact than mounting towards the back of the truck.