Super Pacific X1 vs. GFC V2 discussion

I would love to see a picture of how you do this.

It is simple. open both your panel latches then push the back latch to the locked position while holding the panel side open and then close the panel and latch the front panel like you normally would. the back stays open because the latch won’t let it shut…you have a nice gap at the back of the panel.

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This used to be GFC’s solution. But they’ve been mum on whether or not it’s recommended with the new hinges.

All the blown out original hinges made them rescind their first recommendation which was to do exactly what you are doing.

I did it for a while and it really worked. I’m just worried about my hinges…

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and version 2 blown out hinges.

The new hinges blew out too? Any info? I haven’t been following too closely and haven’t seen that.

Current hinges are the third version.

@Sunsetsearider is correct. @GFC made two iterations of the living hinge (the difference was there was a foam gasket in the first that was then removed in the second). The Embassy hinge (3rd generation) is the current one and I haven’t heard of any failures.


FYI - If I recall correctly this is not endorsed by GFC and any issues that may occur with the hinge would not covered by the warrantee. So you may want to keep this trick to yourself if you know what I mean…


Huh? What trick? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

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Well with that being said I believe there are four versions of the hinge then. Two living hinge style and two varies of the ambassador hinge. The video for the V2 panel removal shows the difference in the hinge from the V1 but with the same eternal cog.



I can attest to the stout-ness of the panels, and the roof for that matter. We were unfortunately hit by baseball-softball sized hail earlier this year and the GFC panels, and roof barely had a hint of damage, nearly imperceptible. My truck, my wife’s car, my house, and pretty much anything outside was extremely damaged or completely demolished. (Windshield was replaced next day)

My V1 GFC was relatively unscathed. But if you’re like me, it really doesn’t matter because the GFC is meant to be beat and can definitely take it.

Best. Product. Ever. - IMO

(This post may also need to be moved :man_shrugging:)


That issue was solved before V2. One of the main purposes for going away from the steel frame was to meet one of gfci’s long-term goals, mass production.


I think the aluminum frame would be good for weight reduction but it sure does not hold a candle to the V1 for aesthetics. Of course we all have different tastes.


Let’s not forget the most important perk about the V1 versus the V2. You can’t have the V2 custom painted!! You only have the two standard colors and the premium colors to choose from now. Please don’t get me wrong. I was all about upgrading to the V2 and I had a buyer lined up for my V1. I changed my mind when I found out there was no more custom painting option. Which was the main reason I went with GFC over one of the other four companies out there. Now if GFC in the future offered custom painting for the V2 I’d jump all over it!!


Do you know where you saw this? I know Garrett said their mattress is made in the same factory as the Exped Mega Mat… but I can’t see anything that says there is an upgradable option. The fact that the SP would use the Exped is a selling point to me, I already have a Mega Mat Duo and will attest to its quality.

What Ive heard on the IG live Is the only upgrade for the mattress in the camper is to spend the extra money for the new mattress.

It was on the website months ago for preorder but it’s no longer listed.

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Do you know if there the GFC customer posted pictures with those vents installed? I’m not sure I understand how/where they’d go.

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How fast have you driven using the rear latches to create the ventilation gap?

Just curious if you limit the use of this trick to 45-50mph or if you’ve driven freeway speeds with it?