Tent Fabric Replacement on V2

Has anyone replaced the tent material on their V2 yet? How involved is this process?

I did something bad and ripped part of the tent already on accident.

Tenacious tape in the meantime

I was poking around how they are put together. i think you need to disassemble the whole tent frame to slide it out. that looks like a BIG chore. at least after you break the sealant around the edges it is only held together with screws. I’m kind of impressed with the design of the V2 but the fit and finish need improvement. “If you can’t duct it, fuck it” are words to live by for tent repairs

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Hey Guys. This process is a little tedious the first time you do it, however you definitely do not need to take the whole tent frame apart or off.

The tent is held in with a nylon cord (keder cord) that is slid into a feature in all of the tent beams. The only disassembly required are the rear T-track extrusions, top and bottom. No real trick here, unscrew the 1/4-20 button head screws, the top (2 T-slots) will lift out, the bottom is a friction fit, pry it out from the bottom edge.

Once those are off you have access to a hole that lines up with the keder cord. There are access holes in the machined corners for the transverse (shorter) keder cord. Once you have gained access to the holes that line up with the keder cord, it is a game pushing the cord out enough to be able to grab it with some pliers. Once you have the cord in the pliers, pull it out and the tent will no longer be attached to that piece of extrusion. Repeat this process on all 8 sides of the tent. To install the repaired tent its a matter of pushing (I know pushing rope) back into those same slots and feeding the cord through the hem/loop in the tent fabric. Our final assembly team does this every day manually, it involves lubricating the cord with Dawn, and keeping the fabric straight and fed into the slot. This WILL be frustrating your first time. Don’t ask how quickly they do it, it will make you mad, it amazes me!

Our Service team will be working on a procedure/video to help customers with this process. Currently no timeline on the video, as there are a few other projects queued up before this one. I just wanted to chime in to make sure you aren’t taking on any extra effort disassembling the camper/RTT.

Hope this helps a little bit in the meantime!


I feel so dumb and its brand new…Installed on 9/26.

Here is the damage. I don’t think tape is going to fix this. :cry:

@blk04sr we have all done something similar mate, its how we make new things ‘lived in’ - they don’t stay new forever. you could try an upholstery place near you or a marine upholstery - they might have a simple fix for it

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Bummer! Looks like someone could possibly sew it?

What happened?

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I would bet you can sew that back up yourself with a curved upholstery needle and some strong nylon thread.

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That is what I am thinking as well, I though I could put a pull rope there and was holding on to it and it ripped. Yeah bonehead move there.

Going to have to look into that see if I can network with some people.

Yeah I know $hit happens still bummed though you know.

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Does anyone know what the GFC V2 tent fabric is made of? I’m looking to add tent pockets on the inside.

It warns that:
“ The tape sticks really well to Dyneema® Composite Fabric, and will also stick to urethane coated floors. It will not stick to silicone fabrics.”

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I am sure if you emailed them they will tell you.

Have you seen this, its a bit expensive but worth it they are all hand made.

@GFC-Stephan did y’all end up making the video about how to remove the fabric?

I’m looking at more integrated options for winterization of the tent, and so far there haven’t been any great ones. I saw that some people tried hanging big blanket baffles (essentially) inside the tent. For me, I’d like to sew my own tent from four-season tent fabric with integrated insulation to retain a clean appearance and keep air from flowing through the tent area.

Here’s the video - (sorry to revive an old thread, but I had a hard time locating the video and this thread was the one that pops up in searches): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVVRfRDtRmk