V2 GFC Camper Tacoma short bed

For sale is an excellent condition V2 GFC Camper for a short bed Tacoma. Unfortunately, I will be exiting the Overland/Camping scene for the near future. My wife and I will be welcoming our newborn soon. I hate to have it on my truck without using it, I’d rather someone else have the opportunity to enjoy the amazing camper.

Since the installation in Mid-October 2022, we have used it a total of 9 times. I have upgraded and modified the GFC with tasteful upgrades. The tent is flawless, no tears, rips, scratches. I recently bought the Heat Dually Mattess and haven’t had the opportunity to use them.

Please email me at fpradojr36@gmail.com for a detailed list of mods and upgrades with more pictures. Located in San Dimas, Ca. $7500

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Awesome! I’ll reach out over email shortly.