Or, it is easier to put on a truck bike rack. It is easy to remove and put back on. Here you can read about them more 9 Best Truck Bed Bike Racks: In-Detail Reviews (Spring 2022) . There are a few types of them. Just chose one better suits your truck.
I took my rear panel off today to transport some drywall. That was a HUGE mistake. I have spent about an hour trying to get it back on with no luck. It seems like I can get the top lip of the hinge seated in the groove, but the bottom edge of the hinge isn’t seating where it needs to be, preventing the pocket locks from being turned.
Any tips or tricks out there? I need to get this panel secured back on tomorrow.
Did you watch GFC’s video on YouTube “How to remove your V2 rear panel”?
I’ve never done it, but the video does mention some tricks to get the panel seated back up.
Yes, I’ve watched it several times. Unfortunately they don’t exactly show how to get it back on. It’s just supposed to “go on like it came off”. Easier said than done though. What I’m doing SEEMS correct, but I’m not able to turn the pocket locks back into place.
My suggestion is to reach out to support@gfcengineering.com or put in a ticket to them. They are pretty responsive and would be happy to help you out. I can tell you from experience, if you hooked up the struts before seating the hinge, unhook them… then try to seat the hinge again. It’s a lot easier to put the top part of the hinge on without the door attached to it but you can’t do that with the back. What I’ve done in the past is put the little locks in the channel FIRST, lining them up by holding the panel up there with a second person… then use a pick to align them fully once the top flange of the hinge is in the channel, then put in the screws. I never really could get them to seat already threaded on there. But I also have a V1 so… Anyway, contact support, they will get you fixed up.
They sent me this video. V2 rear panel removal and install and it confirmed what I thought I was supposed to do. All back in business, except now the third brake light doesn’t work… And yes, it’s plugged in. Lol
These brake lights have a solder point where someone has cut off the factory wiring and spliced in the pre-terminated Anderson connectors. I’ve had this solder point fail, twice.
Put in a service request and get a new light. Then remove the old one and re-solder with more slack so you can do multiple repairs if it fails in the future.