Want to Buy: V1 Tacoma DCSB

Looking to purchase a V1 camper for my third gen. Tacoma Double Cab Short Bed. Located in Atlanta, GA and willing to drive to meet up and make the exchange (ideally not more than ~8 hr, but flexible).

Also more than willing to buy a used V2, just didn’t want to get laughed off the forum for such a request.

Please message, reply or hit me on my cell at 2(zero)5-2(zero)9-9(nine)(six)9 if interested. Thanks!

With lead times on the verge of picking up significantly, have you thought about getting in line for a new one? Sometimes seems that finding a used camper to fit your rig takes about the same time. Always hard to tell which is more efficient. Either way, best of luck!

I would agree with you, but he’s looking to put it on a Tacoma so shouldn’t be hard to find one. There is one here in Annapolis MD the guy just picked it up in July. But you have to sell me your sheets!! LOL


@DannyEnder Hi Danny, yes that’s actually my backup plan. Am ideally trying to secure a camper before August though, my wife and I have a cross country road trip planned for then and would love to have it for that. I’ve been watching the marketplace closely and almost jumped all over a few build spots for sale, thanks for the suggestion!

@crazyfingers That one’s perfect! Unfortunately it sold this past weekend, I was a little late on the trigger. Thanks for sharing though!

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Be sure to watch the GFC’s owners Facebook page also. I have seen some pop up over there and not here.

@crazyfingers Thanks for the heads up on the FB owners group…unfortunately I don’t have a FB account and can’t seem to find the page without one. If you see a good one pop up on there let me know! I have no problem dishing out a finder’s fee for a V1 gem.

No way man that’s not the way it works. I’m definitely not interested in a finders fee if I find one I’ll let you know for sure