When in bear country…

I like the alarm angle. Stupid, but i hadn’t thought of that.


I camp in bear country a lot. In places there’s more bears than people. Securing your stuff is easy. Keep all food products inside the cab of your vehicle. Including trash. Wipe down your fridge and food prep area after every meal. Don’t leave freshly used pots and pans in your GFC either. I’ve never had a problem with a bear coming up to my vehicle, even when I had a bed rack and traditional roof top tent with an exposed truck bed. Being bear aware isn’t hard. Just don’t be lazy and think it out a little. And always carry a cordless hole puncher.


While I believe everyone who says, “I do X Y and Z, and I’ve never had a problem with bears…” That’s anecdotal and doesn’t suggest that X Y Z are effective.

I carry bear spray and a 9mm…

In my mind, here’s where there is conflicting info. Some say store food items in your locked vehicle. To me, in a GFC, that only makes limited sense as you’d then be sleeping with your food. Bears can open vehicles. Its even been said that bears can recognize a cooler inside a vehicle.

Others say store all food items 50 to 100 yards away from sleeping area.

I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I think storing clean dishes and cooking things in the vehicle and the cooler away from where I sleep makes the most sense. Storing trash in the locked cooler makes sense to me. I have a bear resistant cooler with corner locks. I think I’d lock the cooler to a tree too.

Obviously, I’d use a bear locker if available…

I think when out in remote areas, I’ll try to stick to dehydrated meals and limit the cooler to beverage duties. That way I don’t have cooking odors wafting about and I have limited trash and leftovers.

I suppose there’s no one best way to avoid bears, but I keep open to new suggestions.


I appreciate this conversation, as I don’t really know. All my bear exposure is from a cabin, not camping.

Suggestions on what to use to wash down coolers etc. ??? Products available???


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What’s the hole puncher for?

@blarblarjosh A cordless hole puncher is a pewpew device :gun::shushing_face:


Man, okay I’m dense. Thanks!

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Used Joy and Bleach for most my life but a couple years ago I discovered Dawn Power Wash does a great job.

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