What have you done to your GFC this week

Definitely interested and I suspect many of us will be.

Those look super handy, I don’t know for what yet…but I know one things for sure! I’ll find a use :smiley: Now if only I wasn’t on a self imposed spending freeze.


I am in the midst of making more configurations. I also have some other ideas brewing, now that I am finally getting to use the camper a bit more regularly.

These will be affordable as I can possibly make them. This material is much better than any of the PLA plastic out there.

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I have a CX95 that takes up damn near half the bed, but is a must for camping with the family. For day or even just solo trips, I have a CFX3 which fits in the passenger seat. Having both has been super convenient (and expensive)

Took advice from @julian and went with the Sunflare xplor 105 watt panel. I drove up to Long Beach to grab one and Curt from GTFO Overland was kind enough to help me install it in the parking lot. Super cool guy and a great shop if anyone is in the area. I’ll probably add the Genesis dual-battery, but for now, budget is keeping me with the Goal Zero solution.


How is piping the heat duct straight into the bedding area? does it not get the sheets too hot or is it working well for you?

I currently have a diesel heater on the bottom floor but need a way to bring the heat up. Thinking about cutting some holes in the starboard and using computer fans, but this is certainly the alternative.

This spring I just put a T in but ran it outside through the door. This is because my heater isn’t permanently installed to avoid the wasted real estate in the summer. Worked great! I will have to test it when it’s -10C to see how much heat I lose through the hose to really test it though.


It works out well.

I don’t have the sheets. I ditched all of the cushions and use 2 exped megamat 10’s. I stagger them for the kids so they get about 15 inches of space to put their books, ipads and stuff down.The shorter pad is used on the vent side so it doesn’t come anywhere close to it.

When I’m solo I don’t bother with the short pad at all.

I’m thinking of embedding rare earth magnets so that the hose can easily be knocked off and the panel can be removed from up top.

these cleats are really nice. how much weight do you think they will support

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They are, I love how they just pop in and out.

Nice do you notice a decrease in temperature from the outlet by having two hoses? also what ducting is that

Those look great. Keep us in the loop, I would buy some.

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Not a huge decrease, I wouldn’t even say enough to be noticeable. That being said I was only using it because I had the whole family with me. It wasn’t that cold out, but needed to take the chill off. The true test will be this winter, although I’m usually solo in that case I wouldn’t pipe to both locations because I run ‘bunk mode’ when solo.

I’ll be making some more to test I’ve noticed that a couple are softening a bit in the sun so I need to make some design changes.

I haven’t tested for max weight yet but I will soon. I’m printing them solid now because it makes them more robust.


Made a DIY tire swing out. Really wanted to get a Rigd but unfortunately the shipping was crazy expensive so I just welded one up.

Decided to use a new “1100lb anti-rattle”
method and so far so good! The hardest part of designing one of these things is removing all the possible pinch points to make it safe! The Safeco latch is repurposed into a lever to provide the required leverage to break it open, with a pin to provide a fail safe lock.


That’s legit! And to do it in this heat!

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More importantly, wanna build me one? LMAO. I’ve been trying to figure out what I need to do to get my true full size spare to fit under the truck. I’ve gotta be careful about how much more weight I add to the ole 1/2 ton.

I would love to order a couple!

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