@johnyboy365 beautiful.
forgot Hiroshima okonomiyaki. I was at work at this popped in my head and now I want some. the lady reminds me of my beloved mother-in-law. this dish takes practice but messed up it’s still yummy. hands down my favorite cooking show
Figured I’d start capturing the process of my build via youtube as I know there will be multiple iterations of it that people might have questions about.
My Youtube Debut!
Ideally I’ll start adding a hardware spec list in case others are interested in copying the design etc.
Coming along and looking good.
I know it was a “test fit”. Are you going to remove those boards on the right or put some plywood over them?
Inserted pink foam in the openings you see on the right then 1/2" plywood and rubber pad or linoleum on top.
First time using the full setup
Learned we need more cutting board space so might get a truck bed tailgate board. If anyone knows some good ones for a 2019 Ranger, please holler!
I’ve got a mountain hatch. Idk if they support your truck. It’s pretty straight forward and I don’t think any one slab of hdpe is better than another but that’s what I got.
I have a mountain hatch on my tailgate. It does the trick but it’s slippery when wet or all the time if you’re my dog jumping into the bed.
With the mountain hatch, you can add skateboard grip tape, or the heavy traction tape used on ships. You can put it in the middle of the MH, so when you climb in, you have traction. This doesn’t take away from having a flat surface.
Sounds like a good plan.
This is exactly what I was envisioning. Thanks for sharing!
Respect! It is surprising how nice it can be to have a sink.
I use the DeeZee tailgate board. Easy install, robust. Love getting it all muddy with my boots and then pretending I can get it clean enough to prep veggies on. Tailgate Board - Dee Zee
Only thing about these boards is that they get slippery when wet
@johnyboy365 How did you secure your box to the bed? I have a likely June install date and have all but decided to copy your build. Nice work!
Box isn’t secured to anything really. I built the front face frame wedged into the bed in such a way that it won’t slide backwards and installed the flooring tight to the side, so it can’t move laterally, and I have a sill on the back, situated under the back frame rail, so it doesn’t tip back to front. Difficult to explain, so I’ll grab a video to explain soon for you!
Looks great…what kind of fridge are you using in the design? I have a similar idea, but I’m putting the seat width wise across the forward end of the bed. Under the seat cushions are storage and electrical components (inverter, battery, etc.). Also hanging a 22 liter water tank above the cabinet. Don’t forget about the wheelhouses.
Pretty sure those are Accuride slides in the vid. Nice choice!
Really beautiful ranger build. Love to see the non-taco contingent out here. Any chance you can share your sketchup files? Looking to do a really similar build with the single drawer layout as opposed to a full bed drawer system. Also curious if you remember which drawer slides you used