2024 Ranger "stake pocket" shims/ spacers corroding

I watched them install these in my truck, and I knew immediately that I would have to go back in there to fix it, there are six machined alluminum ones along the bed rail to act as spacers to prevent the plastic trim from collapsing. The plastic covers are completely open to the weather. I have driven over several mountain passes with deicers on the road, salt brine and mag chloride. I hate that stuff.

The tech should have sprayed them down with Boeshield T9 at the very least. He doesn’t have the time to do it my way.

I removed the covers and found four to be in good shape, one had slightly corroded bolts, and one was starting to look quite nasty. This is in a time period of just 8 weeks. The machined recesses collect water and road nasties, as do the Allen heads of the bolts.

I cleaned them and reinstalled the covers with silicone adhesive sealer, with a full amount injected into each bolt head and cavity, to completely keep out fluids. Then I clamped them overnight to cure:

After reinstalling the Topper, I sealed the bottom edges of the plastic trim pieces.

John Davies
Spokane WA USA

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