@Eisenheim is right, just test fitting…
But appreciate concern!
Two things of note after another long weekend of using the heater…
With this setup, I am going to try and place some foam or rubber to keep the heater case off the side panels. Probably go to HD for some foam rubber in white to not discolor my white side panel.
Also, because the heater is no longer far away on ground, and directly in contact with the side panel, the fuel pump sound is amplified. So I will be spending some time trying to quiet that down.
And lastly, I no longer need a whole bunch of the wiring, so going to trim all the harnesses down nice and tight
But I really do like this solution, despite all the above mentioned things.
Fair concerns and the resonance on the side panel was something i was actually curious about. I figured it would be a factor, but wasn’t quite sure how to solve it without making a mount that sticks out at a 90 quite a ways. I wonder if running something like a rubber bungee from the back of the meathook, over the front of the heater and hooking it onto the bottom backside of it would put enough tension that it would hold it just up off of the side panel. The foam is likely the easier solution though.
Thanks for the feedback, I’ll look into some potential solutions that may help with these issues.