3DProto Lab: Diesel Heater Mount

Thanks to the help of @Evanjt , Meat Hook’s are now available. These are a toolless mounting option for those who already have the 3DProto Lab CF Nylon Beef clearance handles. Quick install, quickly removed and can be used for more than just diesel heaters.

A separate mounting option is in the works if you don’t want a track handle that will be the base for a modular system.


Well… isn’t that clever…

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Almost makes me want to get a diesel heater…

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Looking forward to seeing the non-track handle, modular system. Looks like the meat hook would work not only for my diesel heater but hanging my Joolca hot water heater next to the shower awning…

There’s one in the works, just a little behind. It will look different than this, but I may just modify this one to mount to the rail some how.

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hopefully something that works with Agency 6 Grab Handles is in the works!

I ordered this for my planar heater. Would it work? The fuel tank is mounted on the back of the heater. I’d have to position the front of the heater towards the GFC. I believe the vent is for passive cooling, not air intake. Should that work?

Since I’m not familiar with that diesel heater I can’t give you a 100% for sure answer, but I would assume it would work just fine. Those two vents aren’t exhaust vents, that much is clear though, so you shouldn’t have an issue with that. I would assume that you’re correct in that they’re likely passive cooling vents. Let me know how it works out for you!

Sounds good! Thank you! Just curious, how big is the fuel tank on the calory heater? It seems like a fairly slim profile to fit so well with the handle and hook setup. Overall great idea and excited to test it out.

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I can’t answer that either, but maybe @Evanjt can. He was the tester for this and the picture is from his setup. He’d be the one for ask on the specifics of his diesel heater, wish I could help more!

So far so good! It’s .8 gal i think

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HCalory sent me out that same heater to test and I am impressed. Depending on how high you run it, you can easily get 16 hours of run time which for some might be 2 nights. On the highest level it is HOT. I’ve been recommending it to people who just want a really cheap all in one case vs building one out themselves.

ive ran mine 24 hours straight on lowest setting with a full tank of diesel in and still not burn all of it.

it’s a 5L tank, so about 1.3 gallon according to unit conversion

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How is the fuel tank on this one? I have the prior gen. I had a little fuel in the tank on a rough road it bounced around a bit and ended up dumping all over my bed. I should have secured it better, but even just shaking it around fuel comes out of the tank via the vent in the cap.

A lot better. I haven’t seen any issues with leaking yet. Used it 3-4 nights in total now I think.

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Got my meat hook a while ago but needed some track nuts before I got it mounted.

Much better solution than a tire mount as the hose into the tent becomes super short and should reduce a lot of heat loss moving from the ground up.

Great product, great idea. Now I have to go through and clean up/shorten all the wiring from the $150 fb marketplace heater find since I don’t need all that for these short runs!

Too bad ice climbing season is coming to a close!

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Awesome, it looks good, Greg! Thanks for the photos, looks like a clean setup, especially with how short the hose is. Please reach out if you ever have any issues with the handle or mount!

maybe run the exhaust port… you don’t want to smoke your white panel lol

Probably just setup for test fitting, but yea it might get a little too toasty :sweat_smile:

that’s what i thought too lol but just a friendly reminder in case running exhaust tube is not in his habit.

because I don’t LOL i actually have no idea where my intake and exhaust pipes are.

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