AK or bust! - in winter

Looks amazing. Are you running stock suspension?

Example of frost that builds up even with a heater running. It’s been warm and wet around anchorage all week with temperatures fluctuating from 5-35 degrees.

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I’m in Girdwood today. Would love some tips on spots.

I’m running a propex, no issues with anything but snow buildup on the exterior so far.

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Icon add a leaf and bilstein 5100 in the rear. Otherwise, yup

Head towards the Kenai wildlife refuge. Free camping on 4 different frozen lakes in the middle of a turned wildfire zone.

Pretty central to the peninsula.

Otherwise head towards Jim creek recreation area in Palmer.

There’s Hatcher Pass but you’ll have to enter via the Houston side as it’s closed past the mine

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Following up on this. There is one loop in Riley Creek campground open in Denali national park. There are only 5-6 campsites cleared but it’s good to camp in overnight if you want a break from driving and the entire park is still open to hiking you just can’t drive past mile 3 right now.

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Looks like a ton of snow is coming to Girdwood soon. 35" between now and 1/7. Wish I was ripping Alyeska!

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It’s going to be epic.

I’m still planning on updating this thread, but it’s taking most of my effort in a day to get my day job done and quickly make fixes to problems as I encounter them. Mostly insulation, electricity, and organization. I’m excited to write a longer update!

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Insulation can only do so much when it’s this cold outside. (Just north of Paxson on the Richardson today)


Been working on insulation. Here’s where I’m at:

Tent walls: all 4 have rumpl blankets floor to ceiling. I added some reflectix in the cab-over area behind the blankets to keep that area from getting so cold. Skipped the rest of the tent since I don’t want to hear the reflectix all night and need an emergency escape

Front GFC wall is covered with 1.5" foam and 3/16" HDPE sheet, to which all of my electrical stuff is mounted. Front bed wall is bare to allow some cold to cool the chargers and inverter.

Side walls have reflectix hanging from the top of the GFC to the floor of the truck, with rumpl blankets in front of that.

Rear wall has the side wall rumpl blankets (two person) wrapped in front of it as “doors”. The corners are held in by carabiners on an NRS strap that runs along the top of the door. The rumpl blankets in the bed are folded in half, so I slipped some reflectix between the two sides as a radiative barrier.

The floor of the truck bed is 1.5" pink foam with 3/16" HDPE sheet over the top to isolate me from the cold ridged truck bed.

I also added a ton of duct tape and foil tape to seal in all the cracks. 3D printed a bracket that attaches to the accessory mounting point to help keep the blankets in place in the bed.

I had the blankets in before, but no reflectix and there were lots of gaps. With all these changes, I need to test how much the heater will be on. My guess is it could be 0F outside and it would be 65F in here and the heater would be on roughly 50% of the time.

That’s………a lot


I’m planning on living and working in the truck for the whole winter in AK, and I’m an electrical engineer so I have some relatively sensitive equipment that I have to use to do my job. Having a warm, dry place is the top priority for me


Turnagain pass last night - it snowed, and snowed some more. 2 feet by the time it was all over. Waited until the state snowblower came by, but it only passed about 50ft away from my truck so I was left to shovel a path to its track. Better than 500ft to the highway so I can’t complain.

Epic cold smoke skiing today, 3ft up high. All time conditions.


Are you in the girdwood lots or parked in one of the many many pull offs down the arm? Any luck down the portage glacier road? I went down a few times this winter and the plows completely blocked off the side lots along the river sadly :frowning:

Girdwood downtown is fair game. I camped at a view area on the arm and most nights have been up Turnagain at the rest area. I drove the portage road, same deal.

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Dude you still alive? Haven’t seen any posts and wanted to check in on ya.

I am indeed!

I’ve had to stop posting as much and focus on work so I can keep my job haha. I’ll have more to say in a few weeks, but I’m likely going to ditch my rig in the next few months for something much bigger. Been scheming about what that might look like all week. It’s going to be named Steezemobile MK42 :wink:

This is a great rig for weekend warriors and short term, but I can’t make it work with all of my engineering equipment and ski gear. It sorta works with one person, but I’m constantly cleaning and shuffling things around to get at other things, and not getting much skiing in at all because nothing is easy to do. It came to a head when I wanted to have a friend visit next weekend and realized that it’s going to be extremely frustrating for the few days they are here. I’m super excited to clean up the truck and get it ready to sell this spring. It’s a great rig, just not nearly big enough for full timing.

Picture from Hope, AK this morning:


Oh, and for anyone interested. I probably have accumulated a 30-day camping streak in this thing. No hotels or houses since leaving Utah before Xmas. I’m proud of that :slight_smile:


Kudos to you man! I have camped in sub zero weather in the Tetons and that was a miserable couple of days lol. I can’t imagine being on the road for weeks on end. Safe travels!

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