AK or bust! - in winter

I am indeed!

I’ve had to stop posting as much and focus on work so I can keep my job haha. I’ll have more to say in a few weeks, but I’m likely going to ditch my rig in the next few months for something much bigger. Been scheming about what that might look like all week. It’s going to be named Steezemobile MK42 :wink:

This is a great rig for weekend warriors and short term, but I can’t make it work with all of my engineering equipment and ski gear. It sorta works with one person, but I’m constantly cleaning and shuffling things around to get at other things, and not getting much skiing in at all because nothing is easy to do. It came to a head when I wanted to have a friend visit next weekend and realized that it’s going to be extremely frustrating for the few days they are here. I’m super excited to clean up the truck and get it ready to sell this spring. It’s a great rig, just not nearly big enough for full timing.

Picture from Hope, AK this morning:


Oh, and for anyone interested. I probably have accumulated a 30-day camping streak in this thing. No hotels or houses since leaving Utah before Xmas. I’m proud of that :slight_smile:


Kudos to you man! I have camped in sub zero weather in the Tetons and that was a miserable couple of days lol. I can’t imagine being on the road for weeks on end. Safe travels!

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