Automatic car wash

What is the reality of taking a GFC V2 through an automatic car wash? Any concerns to be wary of?

back in march I went through the “touchless” car wash to get the salt crust off. imagine my fright when the brushes came out and started beating the crap out of my truck. camper and glass levels made it through unscathed but the paint on the truck now has scratches everywhere except under the over hang. I don’t get how people use it weekly or more often. I’ll be the crazy neighbor with the power washer in the driveway for now on

I used to take mine through without issue, but I recently put back on my beef racks and a Thule cargo carrier, so it’s hand wash for me from now on

If you do it, I would suggest using the most basic wash. I took mine through and one of the detergents in the wash left stains on the extrusion portion

I’ve taken mine through Mister car wash quite a few times now with no issues. Having a black truck, for like $30/mon it seems like a no-brainer!

I had a car wash rip the rack off my leer shell and beat it down the side of my truck. Luckily it was 25 years old and beat up. Those brushes are horrible. I would be reluctant to take a newer car through anything but touchless and not sure I would even put the GFC through that.

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I don’t think you should ever take a rack through a car wash. The GFC sans rack seems just fine.

I’d recommend a touch-less only.

except a big water bill at the car wash, basically nothing

Brown Bear in Issaquah, WA kicked me out of line yesterday lol. Guess I’m using Costco’s for 1/3 the price, thanks for forcing me to save money lol.

if you have externally mounted lights or antennas (ham, GMRS, etc) or wider wheels I wouldn’t take it through any machine wash, touchless or not.

just go to a coin op and spray it down!

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I take my GFC on '22 F-150 Lightning (so it is the 5’4" shortbed) through touchless car washes every winter and spring, no problems. I primarily do it to get the underbody wash, due to all the Wisconsin road “salt” . But no problems or leaks with my GFC that has been on since early '22.

Hi guys!

GFC advises not going through touch-less car washes as some of the chemicals used in those car washes can affect the anodizing on the camper. Our aluminum extruder did a test study and found that the pre-soak/bug remover cycle has a very high PH level. That high PH level is similar to the PH levels of the solutions used in the anodizing process. The likeness of the PH levels can be harsh on the anodized coating of the camper extrusions.

Manual car washes are the way to go and are completely fine to keep your camper squeaky clean, just avoid the pre soak function!