Im a huge mountain biker in addition to being a 4x4 enthusiast. Many times combining both for trips I take. Mountain bike during the day and camp/wheel in the afternoon and evening. If you’re driving offroad a bumper swing away with attached 1up rack is the only way to go for these key reasons:
•Highest possible departure angle
•You can swing away the bike while at camp
Im runnning a CBI rear bumper with a reciever welded onto the tire swing out. Been tested on high clearnace trails like Hells Revenge, 7 Mile Rim, Top of the World etc. Never had clearance issues at all.
I agree. I think if you want max clearance and mtb at the same time that’s the way to go. I have considered this. My only problem with a bumper that is a full-time swing away is it will always be on my truck. I drive with my tailgate down sometimes and stuff hanging out of the back.
I just bought and received a Rigd UltraSwing. Haven’t used it on a trip yet, probably will in the Spring. Real solid piece of kit, there’s no wobble in the receiver connection.
I’d recommend the Yakima swing arm. Works well and can be used with any 2” rack. I currently have a 6 spot Yakima Hangover rack on it (my friends and I like shuttles although the swing arm isn’t rated to hold 6 bikes when swung out, it can hold 4.
Do you have a picture of the Rigd setup?
Very interested in this setup with spare and 1up once I get my gfc in a few months. I have Yakima swing away with older version of Yakima holdup on truck now, not a fan of how far the swing out sticks out off back of truck.
Hey thanks, so just to confirm you have the ultra swing not the mega swing from Rigd?
I ask because I have a tundra so probably similar width as your truck and wondered if the Ultra cleared the tailgate. Also with a bike will it clear in full swing from hitting side of truck.
It appears yours will clear.
Post the full setup when your done, may have to copy you!
I decided on a 1up bike rack with Rakattach swing arm. I really like the 1up rack. Super strong, high quality, easy to use. I went with the single rack and got an add-on.
Bought a handful of the wheel locks from the 1up website when I bought their track and swing away. Super quick and easy, plus everything is keyed the same.
I have the wheel locks from 1up. I use these if I am going to leave the bike for a short time. If it’s going to be all day I put the bike in the gfc and chain it to the frame.
I run the 1UP heavy duty double with a dual hitch extension so it clears the gate. I was going to go with the Rack Attach but I couldn’t justify the cost for a little more convenience. Once I remove my armor for its re-powder coat (I do every few years) I will put a hitch receiver directly on my gate for the 1UP rack.
Insert a “Pimp my Ride” meme about putting a swingout on a swingout.
But yes it is. I didn’t want to add the extra stress on the swingout. Two jerry cans, a spare tire, hi-lift, and two bikes all on one pivot arm seemed to excessive, so I added the swingout bike carrier to alleviate some of the stress.
I should state the rack attach is the way to go but I have my money tied up in things at the moment. This works for now though. I set it at the bottom so the gate will clear but this rack is so easy to use if I need the clearance I will flip it and run it that way and remove should I need to get in the rear gate. Great thing about the GFC is I can normally use any of my panels to get in the bed.