Do the new billet awning mounts provide enough clearance for the V1 struts?
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I hope for your case they work cuz man they look sweet!!
I couldn’t imagine them not working but @Thayne you got any info on this?
Hey @Hawaiiantyle13 - I’m looking into this for you today and will confirm in just a bit. Thanks in advance for your patience!
Alrighty @Hawaiiantyle13, you’re all set as seen below.
You probably already know this, but if you look at these on our awning mount product page, you can see there are ‘teeth’ that allow for height adjustments as well.
You’re the man! Placing an order now, mahalo
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@Thayne I’m also curious if these billet awning mounts would fit on my GFC Topper (not camper) . Planning to install them on driver side with a OVS 270 LT 30.5 LBS
I don’t see why it wouldn’t. They both use the same Ttrack. I’d bet you’d be good to go
Yep, these fit the Topper as well.