Camper extrusion accessories?

Who’s getting creative? I want to see what you’re hanging on your extrusion!

What is your most wanted accessory?

I’d love to see a flag holder so I can mount my dunes flag cleanly and easily.

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I’ll take one of the middle brackets with a 4’ strap sewn on. Thanks! Haha.

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What software are you using to make your drawings?

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Has anyone found a good alternative to the gfc tnuts?


These are great! How are you planning to get them machined?

I ended up ordering some of these a few days ago from 8020. They’re within a couple millimeters of the gfc tnut in terms of height and thickness. But they are a bit wider so they’ll have to be slid in from the ends of the track. A worthy compromise for about 1/10th the cost.


I want to mount an awning off the back of my GFC what bracket do I get to do this?

We make a bracket for that! You can find it here!

You could take a mini grinder to those and shape them so that they’d twist in.

Those particular ones ended up being a touch too thick for the extrusion anyway. I ended up just ordering some gfc tnuts rather than trying to modify. Having them fit perfectly out of the bag and not having to worry about corrosion seems worth the cost.

I’m in the process of using 12" stainless L brackets. This requires futzing around with drilling stainless steel which is no fun since it work hardens easily. A drill press is almost mandatory.

Google Photos


Taylor, isn’t that bracket you posted link to for side mount, not the back?

Thomas, you’re right our awning bracket is designed to be mounted to the side of the camper, not the rear. Sorry for the overly hasty response. I’ll let you know if I hear of any decent rear-mount options for awnings.

It’d be great if GFC made a small awning for the upper half of the tent to provide a small amount of rain protection over the rear and side doors!


how well does the rear door open with this? ive been thinking of doing the same but worried about the hatch not opening and also accessing the mechanisms to open/close the tent.

The hatch opens OK. As the pics show it doesn’t rise quite as high as it does w/o the awning bag but it’s high enough. The latch requires a bit of finesse to secure but I feel that there are adjustments that will make it easier. The L bracket can be moved in and out because of the extrusion track. Also it can be moved up and down by using a different track,

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Is there a plan to make 1/4" track nuts or is GFC sticking with the 10-32. I know if you buy the beef racks they come with 1/4" but I can tell those are a different thickness and looks like they stick out into the slot of the beef rack. I’m working on mounting some solar panels and I’d like to stick with 1/4" nuts and bolts for everything. If it’s going to be more than a month or so I will just get the 10-32 track nuts.


Has anyone found any t-slot bolts that work in the Beef Rack? I’m trying to mount some Maxtrax and it’d be great to find some threaded studs I can place in the rails. I bought some of McMaster Carr - the major dimensions are correct, but the head is too thick and won’t go into the slot.

I too thought this would be a great addition something like how the Alu-cab tent has the awning over the rear window

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what awning is this? Or is it homemade?