Coffee in the GFC

The GFC is definitely the coolest coffee shop I’ve ever been to!


We use a JetBoil. They are awesome. We use a burr grinder to grind the beans fresh. Sometimes we do a pour over.

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Currently waiting out a rain storm and making a fresh cup with some beans from Moab Coffee Roasters


As much as I appreciate a good cup, its instant coffee when camping. Less to pack/carry and less to clean up.

Big fan of Snowpeak’s Camp Coffee Equipment. Their hand grinder and collapsible pour over cone are great. For beans — been digging the Rwanda Muhari that I just roasted last month at my side-hustle. :coffee:


@julian Snow Peak makes wonderful stuff. We own a bunch.


I usually take my coffee maker with me on any trip, it takes not so much watt and I always have hot coffee the sixth one. I am not a coffee maker person. I’ve never made coffee in a maker or owned one before. This is super easy and super, super fast. You can use regular coffee in the filter or K-cups in the holder. Great little machine and has a nice small profile to fit on your connter without taking up a lot of space.

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I use an Aeropress at home and camping. The grinds are good for composting, so after making my coffee, I just shoot the grinds into my garden. When I’m camping, I’ll shoot them onto the ground, then spread them around with my boot.

@GaryF, can’t tell if you’re joking about leaving your grinds on the ground while camping…if so, right on.

If not, I guess I’ll be the guy to call that out and suggest learning more about the Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly principles. Seems like we are all here to have a good time and enjoy the outdoors for as long as we can.

Happy Trails!


You make a very good point. I have to qualify my response. I was at an RV park! I haven’t done any dispersed camping yet, but I plan to in the future. When I do, I’ll follow the LNT principles.


Came here to say this. We used the Starbucks instant for a while and on one trip my daughter was appalled (works in a small batch roasting coffee shop) and gave me the Aeopress for Christmas. So much better coffee and the cleanup is easy. One small issue is that it relies on paper filters which isn’t an issue unless you run out. On one trip this happened and we re-used the filter several times…while the flavor was not as great it was still palatable.

Another Aeropress fan here. Travels well & makes a great cup of coffee.

Aeropress for the win.

I use a manual ceramic burr grinder and whichever whole bean coffee I have at the moment. Throw it in a Stanley percolator and let it do its job over one of my different stoves.


Trying out a new idea to me. My favorite coffee shop sells coffee in teabags but not in my favorite roast so I picked up some teabags on amazon, ground some coffee nice and fine and now to test it out on my next trip

Please note I am cheap and really don’t have much time in the morning so…


throw a bag in the insulated cup, pour hot water and milk, go about your morning tasks. The longer it sits, better(stronger) it gets


This is a great idea. Even less cleanup than pour over (I’m all about quick and easy).

On the search for a new/better coffee option than my old Stanley French Press this post sent me down a ridiculous espresso rabbit hole :sweat_smile:. I am absolutely stoked that I did though. I ended up with a Wacaco Picopresso but came very close to pulling the trigger on a forge and still want one for the house someday. When I’m not in the mood for espresso an Aeropress as many others have stated is hard to beat.