For Sale in Alstead, New Hampshire (20 miles north of Keene NH). We are upgrading to a larger rv camper. Camper only used a few times, and is in excellent condition.
- Kinsmen 270 degree awning,
Front and back windows on the camper,
Zip side panels on the tent,
Two roof rack bars,
Brake light on back panel,
Telescoping ladder with mantis claw anchor points (left side of camper),
Additional 2 inch custom made mattress pads (4 inch mattress total),
Buffalo plaid fitted sheets included.
I have a lift on my barn, and can install this camper on your truck. I also have additional weather sealing material to ensure a good fit of the camper to your truck. Bring your truck over and we can install this camper in 30 minutes. It is ready to go.
Make me an offer.