For Sale GFC V2 for Gen3 Tacoma 6ft bed w/ windows $6500 SLC

V2 Unit number 1597, picked up in Bozeman for my 2020 Tacoma.

I have all the windows in tent added on plus both front and rear windows.
Added the turbo nap mattress, plus still have the original one.
includes GFC sheets

$6500 for camper.

The truck is also for sale as a package $42,000. DM me for more details

Located in SLC

I dig it! You selling it with the canopy? Def interested! New to this forum, so how do I DM you?
[Edit: I typed “canopy” but meant “awning”. It looks like a Thule awning, correct?]

Hey unfortunately a family emergency came up and going to hold off on selling for now