From where should I Start or in what category?

Hello there,

This is my first post after just joining this discussion, so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection.

I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving this community so far. I have a background in teaching coding and in education and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters.

As a new member in this forum and wish to share and gain some knowledge. I am looking forward to create my own discussion to resolve my query and gain some knowledge though I have taken part in various discussion which is definitely helped me a lot.

Also in what category should be taken depends on what factors?

Thankyou in advance.

what are you asking for help? lol
sorry im confused.

What in the wide world of sports?

Well Roberrtt,
Welcome to the GFC Forum! Depending on what type of help you need, is directly related to what type of help you will get! Since GFC produces equipment that will be placed on top of a vehicle in some fashion, why don’t you start with what you are driving.