Front sliding window

Is it possible to have a front sliding window?

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2nd that option

As well as side window option now that there is no option to vent back for dogs!


I wish there were room for a traditional slider, but the diagonal support bars on the space frame make it very unlikely.

Looking at mine, I think using part # 545 or maybe 540 from could work if you remove the glass from the GFC front window.

On my 2nd gen, with KB Voodoo caps, the seal would would not contact any paint on the cab - so the only question would be how well would it keep dust and water out of the GFC.

If someone from GFC could comment on how to remove or re-install the glass I would order some of that seal and post my findings.

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I would love a way to have even a small opening between the front window and the cab. Like a porthole in the existing window? something that could be opened and closed would be great, mostly for the dog in the back.

I’m wondering if the glass could be replaced with an equal sided piece of plexiglass-glass, cut a hole for a small openable window in it, then replace?

Anything is possible with enough money, that doesn’t even sound like it would take that much. Lowe’s sells lexan sheets and will cut them to size for you.

I was thinking of adding a solution on either side of the window in the effect of a butterfly vent like the one at the link below.

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Did anyone make any attempts at this idea?? I’ve been really wanting to do the same thing!

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