FSR 270 Awning

Does anyone have one of these or any first hand experience with one? It has a good price point and is free standing. Has an annex option that goes with it as well which could be cool for the kids in buggy spots. Thanks for any insight.

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Yes it’s a great value, plus it’s sqaured up to the back. You’ll still end up with a little gap on drivers side nothing to large. It comes in at 41lbs on my scales. I’ve had 3 to check (long story…hardware in box ≈ shipping damage ≈ holes in cover. Top notch customer service!)

I have video content which I need to edit which does a better job explaining the steps then FSR video. I personally feel the awning room is a bit to much both with weight and time to setup. For speed I’d suggest a Hub Tent we have a fully enclosed with floors, screens and walls a Clam Quick Set 12x12. This is a great way to go plus you can just strap it to the Beef Rack Crossbars. The 10x10 will be lighter and do a nice job. The 12x12 is amazing with larger groups.

Also I’d suggest picking up some of the Green Elephant adjustable poles. They’ll fit right into the holes of the awning arms in case you need them. What’s great with these is they also have the rubber caps. So you can use them for under the awning to lift up spots if needed.

If you do pick one up you’ll need to buy 3 of the “GFC Universal Mounting Brackets”. Not 2!

Mark (& Teresa)
Hampstead Maryland

• Purpose Built Adventure Rig © •
Ford Ranger FX4 - GFC Camper V2 #1919

• Kia Soulverlander • Nissan Xterra Off-Road •


I have one as well, don’t have my GFC yet so I can’t comment on fitment to that, but the awning has been nothing but amazing since I got it.

I have one. Finally installed it the other day and I’ve had it for about 6 months. So far it’s pretty amazing. Using @jedgar mounts he made. They are pretty sweet. He actually inspired me to get one after him and I camped last year in the rain and it was our saving grace!

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For those of you that went with the FSR, you happy with it? How has it held up over time? You glad you went that route or do you wish you went with another 270?

I’m strongly considering one, mostly for it being relatively light weight.

I’d like to get one, but I think that I am too tall at 6 foot four I don’t wanna be hunched underneath the awning

I’ve put it through some pretty wicked snow storms and with the legs out, it’s holds a crap ton. Can’t speak for wind yet at all. Built in lights are good for illuminating the surrounding area too. The cover is slightly bigger too which makes it 100x easier to put away, especially when it’s wet/covered with snow.

“GAINZ” should save you 5% as well!

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