Gear organization before and after your install?

GFC has some requirements of a clean truck bed before install.

I’ve been planning a road trip from NC to Montana and would like to do a lot of activities after picking up the GFC such as ski, climb, bike, fish, and camp of course.

For long road trips to pick up the GFC and then transitioning into doing various activities…Im curious how you packed your gear before your trip.

When we went out for install, it was cross country road trip to see grand kids and less importantly the kids. the bed was filled with a dollhouse(I built) and boxes of the kids’ stuff. The installers (Big Mike being 1 of them) just needed room around the edges and front to get to the rails to secure it. Rangers are secured to the bed rails themselves not T-Track like on toyotas

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While I haven’t had to deal with it because of install (installed myself)… I have all of my stuff in boxes or bags anyhow… for quick load and unload at home… I don’t see why not just unload in the parking lot and take a nap on your gear… haha :slight_smile:


Similar story here - I put my stuff that would not fit in the cab in semi-waterproof bins in the bed. The GFC install folk just moved them out of the way as needed during install. My one night camping on the way home was not very organized but so it goes.

Now that I have the camper installed and am home the real fun of organizing and buildout begins!


I ended up not turning my install into a camping trip because the logistical overhead of bringing all my gear and leaving it in my uncovered truck bed or hauling it inside or whatever was too much. Plus wasn’t too into the idea of winter camping in an unfamiliar setup.

Turned it into a circular road trip hitting different ski resorts along the way instead, staying at hotels. Oh well.


It was just myself on the trip. Tacoma Gen 3 access cab, stuffed the rear of the cab where I have removed the seats and put in a Goose Gear platform, had the passenger seat Filled both drawers on my decked system with necessities.

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