GFC tent vs. Burning Man dust and dirt?

I am wondering how the GFC tent has held up at Burning Man? Did the dust ruin things permanently, or can you hose off the tent afterwards and it’s OK? How about the interior effects?
I have never gone to BM but am considering it. I would love ALL suggestions, especially how to stay cool, and how to protect my tent and topper from getting ruined.
Thanks! Merry Christmas to all!

Not been to Burning Man, but plenty of time wandering around Black Rock and similar deserts. I have a V1, things are kinda permanently dusty but nothing near “ruined” classification!

FWIW, I’m told the pro-tip for BM is to go with somebody else and sleep in THEIR fancy RV.


Not been to BM but plenty of times out in Blackrock and surrounding desert. The fine silty sand will get into every crack and crevasse but won’t ruin anything.

I always take a small Makita blower and pack as little as possible.

I would also plan to close up every morning to avoid the dust up of everyone moving around and the occasional winds.

I went this year. It was my first time.

The sand reminded me of weightlifting or climbing chalk. Very fine.

There were storms before i got there and after i left. But, the weather was nice while i was there and i had a little dust in my bed. It was easily cleaned. I believe I kept the tent closed at least during the day. My understanding was the weather overall was good this year so experiences will vary.

It took some elbow grease to get it off the undercarriage of my truck but I have not experienced any ill effects with my truck or the GFC.

My clothes and shoes etc. on the other hand were covered in dust.

I was advised to clean everything as soon as you could.

I recommend you look at joining an established camp. They will
Probably interview you and you will have responsibilities but you will be connected to experienced burners and depending on the camp they will be from all over the world.

It was very expensive but worth the experience.