GFC x Freedom Coast MODmount Pro Pack System

Got mine all set up. It was a super easy install, the machine work is beautiful, and the ability to organize your interior set up is rad. It’s awesome to see companies working with GFC in order to improve an already great platform! The guys at Freedom Coast/ Better Bolts are a bunch of cool dudes that are genuinely stoked on what they’re doing. It’s great to see the enthusiasm from brands in the industry.


@FreedomCoast any chance you guys will sell a half length system? I don’t need the full length of my GFC

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:eyes::eyes::eyes: I will purchase immediately when the snowboard/ski carrier comes out. Assuming it’ll work (somehow) in a short bed Taco.


I hope it does too I need a snowboard carrier


Some type of contraption that would hold skis diagonally on the ceiling above the short bed or diagonally along the wall with the tails on the floor near the tailgate and the tips hung up top towards the front of the bed would be amazing.

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It needs to attach at the 2 bolt locations, so youre kind of limited by that.


We have a ski/snowboard holder in testing right now. It will mount using the same hole pattern so you’ll be able to mount it however works for you.


I wonder if you could do 2 MODMounts on the toyota rail then attach 2 upright L-Track to mod mounts on the upper side L-Track.

That could give a decent range of horizontal mounting for skis or a board.

I could be way off on my idea.

I’m assuming when your snowboard mount comes out, we will need the GFC pack first to install the mount onto correct?

It will mount on our mod mount, so you could mount that to molle panel, or the stock toyota or nissan rail if you have that


Anyone have any ideas for internally hanging/mounting maxtrax off the MODmount? Understanding of course it would probably block the whole side entry of whatever side it was used on. Something like this but on the inside


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While not as high speed I did this with some spare straps:

Since this is the Freedom Coast Thread I’ll plug for a community member/ company and say there is probably a good way you could use their L Track kit and some angle iron/ aluminum to create a space to mount a recovery board mounting kit (or to place your own DIY bracket with longer bolts.

Alternatively, you could probably just buy two pieces of flat/angle iron/aluminum at a big box store, tie into the upper and lower rivnuts, and mount your bolts/mounts to that.

If you were to use slotted angle it might look something like this:


We are working on a maxtrax solution for ya…


Yay. I am thinking of two MaxTrax for inside my Maverick, so not much space.