GFC x Freedom Coast MODmount Pro Pack System

I don’t know how I missed this dropping I have been asking Freedom Coast when this is releasing I originally tried to get the flat track but they hinted they would be dropping this in the future so this is awesome!

Just ordered mine.

GFC Rail System with Freedom Coast MODmount Pro Pack

GFC x Freedom Coast Product Launch Video



Kinda bummed they only sell it as full kit. Would be interested in just one for the front of the camper

Maybe after the initial launch they will. I don’t see why they wouldn’t.

Got mine Friday, quick install. Quality and finish are awesome and wasn’t sure exactly how I would utilize it but I know now I have a ton of options which is what I was looking for. Had some bungee chord and ran it just to see if it would work. Going to order some mod mounts for the Toyota track system because now I can see I can find a ton of uses for it.


Slick mine shipped and are on the way!

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This replaces the mounting points for the VRNCLR bedding catch correct?

They make such nice stuff. Their mounts are the main reason I ran L-track in my truck bed. So glad GFC choose them to work with vs doing their own version.


I have that bedding catch I will let you know how it works.

But should be far better.

Side note: Solid bedding catch but a lot could be improved too bad they ignored when I gave suggestions on issues I was seeing when using mine.

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reach out to our customer service, we will get you sorted

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We are really interested to see how everyone sets these up, and let us know what other types of mounts you want to see! This was designed to be a modular system that evolves as customers discover new ways to use it.


Would also like to see a kit variant for those of us who already have molle panels in the front. Kit would include two standard side rails and one molle rail.

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Yea my front rail didn’t need to be a curved one since I have the molle panel.

Snowboard/ski mounting solution!

We can do custom orders, just reach out to us and we will get you dialed. You can reach out to GFC or info @ freedomcoast . net

Ski/snowboard mount is actually in R&D right now!


Without looking too closely, I’m assuming this doesn’t work for us GFC V1 early adopters? :stuck_out_tongue:

The youtube video said V1 is not supported now, but might be in the future. Probably want to let them know you’re interested to motivate them

Just installed mine, main use will be hanging backcountry ski packs and gloves to dry to start . Have the straps on the other side to hang ski poles out of the bed. Beautiful fit and finish.