So last month when GoFast announced the price would be going up $500 I was on the fence about putting my deposit down. I ended up putting my deposit down and claiming my spot in the glory that is living the GoFast life haha. Anyway what I was struggling with. My truck is an oldie but goodie a 03 first gen tundra with 240k miles currently. I kept bouncing back and forth about is this to big of a purchase for that truck this camper will not fit other models and blah blah blah. To keep it fun I thought I’d ask all y’all what do you drive how many miles are on it? I’ve made the decision high miles are a badge of honor when it comes to this old truck of mine. I have a 6 year old daughter we go adventuring together in it all the time she tells me she wants it when she turns 16. Haha oh boy hope I can make it last.
Well, it’s a Toyota so you’ve basically just broken it in. I’m at 135k on my 2nd gen Tacoma and it still feels like it did, albeit a bit heavier. You’ll be stoked.
I agree. Currently I have a 190,000 mi on my 2013 Tacoma. Seems like many people here are into that new new. They buy a truck then sell it a month later, they buy a GFC sell it a month later as well. I’ve never really understood this. I’m planning on keeping my truck and GFC till 300K then make a decision from there.
Originally purchased the go fast with intentions of putting it on my 04 Tacoma. Blah blah blah frame rotted out and broke on me. Luckily for me the Tacoma bed size is the same for all eras so I was able to buy a 2019 and put the go fast on that.
But I definitely intend to keep this truck until this frame breaks!
Got an '08 Tacoma that I just broke 240K on and put a V1 onto and no complaints. Plan to keep the truck and camper till the truck has to be pushed into the scrap yard, then I’ll likely by another 2nd gen (or 2.5) to put the camper on. Sure, it’s got some issued (mainly rust) as its a Northeast truck but I’m keeping them at bay, mostly. Big one being the frame was is good enough shape during the recall to not qualify for a replacement, so now gotta watch out for issues with that in a few spots along the c-channel.
I just sold my 03 First Gen. 99K miles on her. It was a stepside so I never could get a GFC, but now I’m getting into a '21 Taco and I couldn’t be more excited for the GFC.
I bought my Gladiator new with 7 miles in the odometer and a plan to keep it indefinitely. The GFC was the ndeed a large purchase and cost me roughly 1/3 what my truck cost! However I can’t see the truck without it now.
Sitting at 116k mile this morning at 3 1/2 years. I’ll likely have 250k miles on it by the end of my 7 year unlimited warranty at which point I’ll need to take a hard look at what needs to be done to maintain it as a dedicated camping/road trip rig.
100% the best badge of all is the mileage on an old truck knowing all it’s been through for you.
My 2012 Tacoma hit 100k miles this year so now that it’s broken in I installed a supercharger. I’ve had the truck since 2013 and I hope to keep it a long time.
2019 Nissan Frontier 84k miles. Got the GFC when it had around 30k on it. It’s my daily driver. In the process of getting a second vehicle (econo box) to daily to keep miles off of the Frontier. But I plan on keeping it until it dies. At that point will probably try to find the same truck with the lowest miles possible and move everything over.
Yes! Love that I’m starting to see more frontiers being used. I follow an account called Northology Adventures and they run a frontier and it looks like a great rig.
I have an 05 tundra regular cab with the 8’ bed. It has 152k miles on it. Had the same dilemma as you but ultimately decided I want the GFC. Just waiting for my truck to be supported. Should be soon.