GooseGear bed setups!

Anyone running a goosegear bed build? I just ordered mine and am super stoked! I’m looking to add a fridge box slide with the top drawer in the future and want to see what kind of clearance Id have.

Not a bed setup but I just ordered the 2nd Row Delete, hopefully the lead time is closer to the 6 than the 8

Nice! I have the second row 40% with the drawer and love it dude top notch quality


I’d ask you to measure for me but I think the drawer covers everything I care about. Trying to see if my fridge will fit sideways behind the drawer or only front to back.

I’d gladly measure it for ya brother. I’m currently out of the country but I’d be glad to help ya out when I get back if you’re still wondering by then

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Don’t have a goose gear setup but I have built a platform for fridge behind drivers seats. Everyone should be aware that once you remove that rear passenger backrest, you have taken out almost of the sound dampening. It is very noticeable at highway speeds and I couldn’t stand it. Even with installing the thickest sound insulating layer I could fit behind the plastics (and highest quality) there is still a little more noise than stock.

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@derekvieira did you use sound deadening like this … or (also there are many different brands of this stuff)

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I did use stuff like that in spots but just on the back wall and not under the seats. That stuff reduce sound through vibration and I am sure helps overall.

Once you start researching what a sound installer do, it becomes apparent the best solution is a first a deadoning material like you have then a decoupler, then a heavy mass loaded vinyl.

This product is the decoupler and MLV all in one and will fit behind the plastics with some persuasion.

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