Holy condensation! possible roof fan question

Right but when you are camping the bottom and top are closed off from each other unless you’re running a solo setup. I haven’t heard of any issues from condensation coming from the bed. It’s primarily been from breathing with windows closed and buildup over night as well as quenching due to temp drop.

we found sleeping with our head at the wedge helped reduce condensation, perhaps because of the windows there ( generally slept with them slightly opened), not sure. also - at least in my mind, made it easier to get in and out of, and allowed a better view… ( other atmospherical factors may have been at play as well, i lay no claim as to this being an all out fix…)

From what I have read on other sites it should help drastically. I will ground truth it 4 nights this weekend. I’m also in the high desert so that helps as well…

3M Dual Lock is the ticket.

Chop the top! You need a vent at the highest point of the sleeping area. Some camping tents even utilize this. The vent fan has worked well for me. Some nights I don’t even turn the fan on, just having it open is enough.

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I’ve been thinking about one of those Solar Powered Boat Vents (with battery).

Simple, no need to route power to it, small, and at the top of the roof it should help move just enough air out to help with condensation especially with the small wedge windows open a bit.

We had a MaxAir in our van and loved it, but I’d like to avoid going that big and complex in our GFC.

This one has on/off (need it off when closed unless you have access to the bed of the truck to actually move air). Reviews say it can be closed to be completely water tight from the inside (easy to open and turn on only when needed and close and turn off when not).
Low profile should fit under the Yakima rack and anything mounted on it (as long as it doesn’t block too much sunlight/solar power).

Thinking about it, though I hate to put a hole in my GFC a week after getting it.

Went up into the mountains this weekend, 20s and snow each night, left at least one window mostly open and the wind side window partially open and still had significant condensation on the roof (and it was just me inside). Did a night in the 50s and desert after three nights in the mountains and had none.


That’s my plan too. With the 1st gen tent material the condensation was really bad. 2nd gen is much better, but I still want the fan to circulate the back when it’s all closed up

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FYI, I have seen the marine fan on TW, something I have been considering

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Thanks, makes me a little less scared about the roof cracking when I put a 4" hole saw to it :crossed_fingers:t3:

I figure it won’t take much air movement to keep condensation down.

I’ve had my fan in for about 11 months now. No issues to report from the Maxxair Mini or GFC roof.


I’ve been very happy with my Ventline install. It only protrudes from the roof by about 1.5" and is very subtle. It probably doesn’t move enough air for a camper, but does a great job for the RTT with two people inside. The biggest issue I was facing was that it was pretty noisy. In case anyone is planning on doing the same, I replaced the on/off power switch of the Ventline with one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RYKR83Q/ and now the speed (and sound) is easily adjusted.

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How far does it protrude inside? No problems closing the RTT? Any more pics?

It only protrudes by about 1.5” into the tent when retracted. No issues closing the tent. I did add a couple of M6 thumbscrews to lock it in the retracted position when I close the tent. I also added a second weather seal to the outside which presses on the lip of the cover - I haven’t had any water ingress issues.

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I like the fan. Has anyone noticed an email from GFC that they will be offering doors on both sides. I wonder if this will help with venting

I also wonder with this smaller fan if two would be better. One fan pulling air in one venting air.

Did you end up installing one of these marinco day/night vents? Seems to be the best option out there for those who aren’t interested in routing power through the gfc.

Not yet, but that’s my current plan.

I installed one of those solar boat fans — pics in my post history. It’s not marinco brand but it’s worked great so far. Super easy install, definitely recommend if you want to avoid extra wiring.

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This looks like Seattle. I live there too. Has the camper gotten super sweaty in our parts?

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Still working well for you?

I’m not so crazy about my Marinco. I had one 20 years ago on my boat and it was awesome. This one not so much. Back then even if the battery died it would run in the daytime. The new one - nope. And it seems that the solar doesn’t keep up with the battery so I have to shut it off and let it charge back up every once in a while.

I wouldn’t recommend one at this point. I’m looking to change it out for something else.