Installed grab handles with scene lights (pics)

Installed some nice grab handles with built in scene lighting on the exterior rails of my V2. Thought I’d share some pics and links.

I looked at the options available and marketed for GFC, and found that most were 3D printed polymers - so searched for beefier options. I settled on the RCI Grab handles with baja designs lights. Beefy and expensive but do what I want and add functionality. The build is still in process.

The rubber t-track molding is from Steele rubber products and is a perfect fit. Hides the wiring perfectly and provides a tight, watertight, seal.

These handles are secured with three t-track nuts and seem pretty much bombproof. Comfortable round, nonslip grip and the lights are handy.


That bulb seal is sick - nice work!


Got a part number? Super cool solution.



That’s a pretty cool solution.

I second the request for the steel rubber products part number!

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Same! I like my clips. But I like this better.

Super cool solution.

Especially how it was terminated at the front - I am interested after looking at the steele catalog what part # @tctundra used as well…

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5/8" Insert Trim, Black - 30ft

Part #: 90-3581-240
Description: This high-quality EPDM dense rubber Insert Molding Trim fits 1/2" tracks and moldings. Available in Black or White rubber and by the foot or in 15, 30 foot lengths.

Very cool and clean solution on every level. Considering following your lead on the light capable grab handles on the side and have ordered the rubber trim for KC flex era 1 lights on the back for now.

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