Is the V3 here? June 18th Update

GFC hinted at an update being release on June 18th. Do we think the V3 camper going to be released or more of a V2.5? Some initial differences noted:

  • Locks
  • Tent lock (note the red strip in the top left corner)
  • New end cap design
  • GFC logo on rear extrusion

Stoked to see what other updates are coming out!

(or maybe this is just a one-off camper…)

(Screengrab via GFC Instagram)

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Those locks look different too.

Duh, you mentioned that, I read too quickly.

I’m happy overall, but I would pay for a v3 tent portion if it works with my v2 camper.

Like cool that they are implementing small changes that people have complained about/created fixes for but all of these things are irrelevant in comparison to the tent design.

Side note: does anyone remember the good old days when GFC themselves posted and was active on the forum? :joy:


“Good old days” is correct! I do miss seeing updates and responses from the GFC folks directly on here.


I’m very curious to see what the new changes are. Especially as someone who moved up their install date from Aug to April at GFC suggestion. I’ll be really bummed borderline mad if it’s something that’s a major expense like all new improved tent design etc if something that’s an easy add line interior ceiling liner ehh cool but can add later.

I initially planned Aug install around our booked 2 week roadtrip through MT this summer one of my questions when i placed my order in Nov was if any design changes were made in between order and install would Aug install be built around the new spec. GFC answer was yes it would. So now if i miss out on huge changes it will really really suck

Yeah that would be frustrating if they moved you up to get rid of inventory

My guess is it’ll be a “pro” version with options for lighting/other power as well as a possible upgraded/updated tent and some sort of tent awning since that’s been a big gripe besides what has been stated above.


So a new tent is coming. Interesting.

Wonder if there will be an upgrade deal on offer to current owners, like when the turbo nap was announced.

I don’t think there has ever been an announcement regarding the “new” tent with the pockets, so I kind of wonder if this will be a hard launch on that versus a whole redesign or update.

I just had my tent fabric replaced so I am selfishly hoping its not a full redesign lol


I can understand that haha

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The GFC Instagram mentioned the new locks, so hopefully they’ll do something similar for the tent and other enhancements.

I’d say that is a good bet. I’m thinking its more of a v2.5 that incorporates the tent redesign, new locks, turbo nap, and a few other upgrades. Something similar to when GFC started adding in the billet bed mounts to new builds, then later announced the upgrade as a new item/selling point.

Would be awesome if existing v2 campers could be upgraded. But that is likely to come at a price since current upgrades are close to $1k (locks are $150, Turbo Nap is $700, etc).

I’m trying to understand if these are completely new locks, or the upgrade option currently available.

Looks like completely new locks.

@babyyota got the updated locks in March (Photos here)

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Kinda looks like a SouthCo C5-M-31-15 from that screenshot
Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 3.29.06 PM

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Well, I just ordered the upgraded locks. Haven’t opened them yet, so maybe I’ll see if I can exchange them for this new setup. If, in fact they are better than the current upgrade.

I don’t know if folks without Instagram can see this, but here’s the announcement people are talking about


I hope they are actually listening!