Lagun Table Mount in GFC?

Hi all,
I have a wooden half drawer in the bed of my long bed tacoma that I love. I am considering trying to do some semi full-time living in my truck while I am in clinical rotations for PA school and was thinking about trying to mount a lagoon bracket/table to the half drawer so I can work on my laptop and study while in the bed of the truck. Just curious if anyone has done this in their GFC and if they have any pictures of it. Thanks in advance!!


Yep. Don’t use it too often in the summer but I’m sure it will come in handy in the winter. It rotates out the side to become a bar top as well.


Looks really good! Thanks for sharing the photos

I love how you re-purpose the bed squares!

made a few cabinets and mounted the lagun plate to it. Super simple and never had an issue.


Is your bike mounted like that? How is it secured for going down the road?

My mistake, accidentally deleted my previous post.

Yes the bike is securely mounted. The rear wheel has a Amazon Velcro strap to the GFC structure to
Prevent front to back movement. The front fork is also Velcro strapped to the GFC for side to side movement.

Nice. I mounted mine inside the GFC too using a Rocky Mounts Drop Top fork mount. Yours looks super clean.

I love the look of your build, very industrial and slightly sci-fi to me for some reason :joy:


I ended up making my own with some threaded pipe, flanges, and elbows from lowes and a 16x24 cutting board. I love how it turned out and it’s been super functional for hanging in the bed and doing some studying.


Love this setup, what did you use for the floor??

Nice I like that. I have the same paper towel holder too!

Question…how does the table stow away? Looks awesome and would be a simple build for my setup.