Lighting parasitic amp draw

I have a V2 Pro XL that was installed in January. I’m working on a few mods including solar, etc. To test the GFC LED lighting I temporarily hooked it up to a 10Ah battery and left it that way for several days and found the battery almost dead. I recharged and put an ammeter in line. Here’s what I got for the lower four LED strip array on white:
LED - max brightness = 3A, ~36W
LED - min brightness =0.25A, ~3W
LED - off =0.11A, ~1.3W, 2.6Ah/ 24hrs, 31Wh/24hrs

So if you drive your vehicle frequently you may not notice or care, but If you keep your camper inside for weeks or longer you may find your battery is getting cycled unintentionally. I’m putting a lighting shutoff switch in my build.

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Wow, 110ma quiescent current draw, that’s wild.

TY for the info- this makes me decide to put in a battery with shutoff switch instead of hooking directly to the truck power

110ma doesn’t sound like much but it is a lot more than the self discharge for most good batteries. Happy trails.