Loose Side T Tracks

About to put an awning on and noticed that if I push and pull on the awning brackets the side T-Track is moving. The bolts are tight, what’s going on here? Its a Gen2 Camper 366? .

This is pretty much normal to see as mine also did it when I owned it #4xxx

Mine does the same thing. It makes me nervous that I could do damage to the camper by having things mounted up there. The tracks seem more like flashing than a standard aluminum extrusion.

You are correct. The track is NOT apart of the main extrusion but a standalone piece that is pressed/hammered into place and secured with a couple bolts along the track.


Well that makes me less nervous about doing damage to the camper. Thanks for the pic

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So what holds it on? Just the two bolts? Is there a lip on top for some support?

There is a bit of a lip on the bottom but basically a tight fit and some bolts that hold it on from what I could tell.

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So the beef bars are almost necessary to keep any weight directed straight down, and not pulling away. Just 2 bolts and that piece comes off?

Does the top t track work the same way? Just came back and noticed that’s not where the beef bars attach.