Manistee National Forest Meetup 2024 - Michigan

Hey all,

Not sure how many of you would be interested, but I’ve been thinking about putting together a gfc meet up on my forest district. It’s located in the NW lower peninsula of Michigan. I have a few locations that would be awesome to host at. Just depends on the size of the group. This is an early planning period. The trip would most likely take place in late spring/ early summer 2024. I’ve attached photos and a map for reference.


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That looks like a beautiful area. I would be interested in going for sure.

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Sounds awesome, I am in the MI area and would love to come. Keep us posted!

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I’m close enough that this is doable and love this area! I’d be in for late spring early summer.

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I’m open to this

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Still a thing? I could potentially drive through without GFC on way to Belgrade in mid July for install.

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