Midwest GFC Owners

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That’s a particularly good spot, if it’s open. There are probably 10-15 sites between the two points provided.

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Just got my Superlite installed. I’m between Detroit and Chicago and looking forward to some Midwest camping this year!


@TopShelf - Love to see it, and your new build guide topic was pretty rad too! Looking forward to checking out some of the spots you take this baddy throughout the year.

If you’re keen on it, share each night in The Pudding category as well.

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Installed on Thursday, and we made it home to the Brainerd Lakes Area last night! :call_me_hand:


Looking to procrastinate from things I actually need to get done…

Would there be interest in doing a meetup sometime in early June?

Location: Somewhere in Northern Minnesota or Central/Northern Wisconsin

If anyone would be interested in working together to plan a weekend/week let me know and we can get something going!