Mounting Bike to beef racks

I haven’t taken delivery of my camper yet. I’ll need to mount two bike trays to the beef rack cross bars. How much clearance is there between the roof of the camper and the bottom of the beef rack cross bars? I’m trying to figure out if my Kuat bike tray mounting hardware will fit between the roof of the camper and bottom of the beef rack cross bars. For those of you that are mounting accessories to the beef rack cross bars, how are you mounting them if there isn’t enough clearance between the roof of the camper and the beef rack bars? Is there a way to get more space or somehow mount them directly to the beef rack cross bars? Sorry if this is a dumb question. It’s hard to try and figure it out not having my camper yet. Thanks in advance.

I think I may have found a solution. Yakima’s new fork mount tray should work. It’s simply a band that cinches around the cross bar. My Kuat fork mount trays are pretty long in the tooth anyway. This Yakima tray is pretty slick. Things have come a long way since I last looked at bike trays. My problem is I have to carry six bikes. I have a Kuat NV that can carry 4 bikes off my receiver. The other two bikes go on the roof. Anyway, still open to ideas but I think the Yakima tray is an option that will work. Only component that has to go between the roof of the camper and the beef rack cross bar is the rubber band.