I just saw it come in Thankyou ! I’ll be working on sewing them up tomorrow!
Thank you Johanna! It means a lot, I hope you guys get a lot of use out of these!!
I know we will! Now for the holiday craziness to be done…
Finally making color samples while I await even more materials.
The back is Smoke 1000D Cordura
The phone pocket is Moroccan Blue 210D HDPE Gridstop
Large pocket is XPAC V21 RS
I am trying to use dedicated pack material that is high quality and durable as you can see. I am still looking for suggestions of color options too.
I’m so incredibly late to the party on these. Can you close the tent with them still attached to the rails? Love the conceit and it looks like a brilliant solution to the “where are my glasses dilemma” lol
Multicam is always positive. You have MCB?
I’ve been trying to find multi cam black in stock, but none of my sources have it and I don’t want to buy the cheap Chinese version.
Yes, just check the tent material periodically to make sure there’s no extra wear.
MCB exterior with blaze interior would be sick
MCB goes well with this combo.
How much material of MCB would you need for one pouch
A rust/mustard combo would be awesome
To make one, only about half a yard, I’ll be shocked if you find 500D Cordura in MCB . I even found a website faking Ripstop by the roll’s web site. There’s no way one place has it and it’s a fraction of what everyone else has it priced for. It’s anywhere from 18-30 a yard.
Have you checked with Tom from Vrnclr? Maybe he can help you.
Check your IG I DM’d you there regarding MCB material.
If you have a hard time finding any let me know, I’ll sell some off my current roll, shoot me a DM.