so I found this really nice couple in Florida on their Etsy site and they made some side bug screens for me. They are very simple and velcro into place. I had them made a little loose so that I can put my frame bags on when they arrive this week. These can be left on or taken off everytime. To leave them on I just undo the spot where the side panels latch. Creates simple bug free space. I elected not to do the back panel because I have a screened room with floor and rain fly if I need it by Tailveil. I dont think they have photos on their web yet but they will soon and here is their link.
the cost is higher than $50 which is shown for the small square. I think it will be #100+ per shade. You will need to give her measurements including corner to corner. The chevy silverado measurements are already complete. But as you know the gfc and gfc xl are all different based on the truck.
I too have been wanting screens as my wife is allergic to mosquitoes (no joke). My ADD mind wouldn’t let someone else do something for me so I came up with a cheap, $50 screen solution.
Screen roll from Home Depot $25
Good ol fashion roll of duct tape 4” $5
Velcro Roll $20
Cut the screens, edged the screens with the duct tape, used crazy glue to stick the Velcro to the screen. The adhesive on the Velcro let go in the heat. Sewing didn’t work due to the adhesive on the tape and Velcro, needle kept binding.
Bringing this post back from the past. Curious how this is holding up after a year? I’m considering doing the same. Any issues with the door panel closing with the velcro loop installed around the edge?
Not sure who you are asking but my screens are still holding up. No issues with doors closing. You cannot close the doors with the screens in place however, they have to be removed.