Hey all, starting this for anyone headed to OEE this year but hopefully I’m not doing this in the wrong spot. I debated posting this in Meetups as well.
It’s my first and I’m already looking at all the tips and tricks posts from years past and waiting (im)patiently for the schedule.
Never been to East (yet) but from my experience form MW, PNW, and W,:
-Bring supplies for inclement weather - an umbrella, poncho, full rain suit, or tolerance for being wet can give you essentially private access to most vendors if it starts raining a ton.
-bring a mostly empty backpack - that way you have something to carry the free stuff like stickers/ koozies/ bottle openers or any impulse buys
-Try to go with a budget - a lot of vendors have exclusive discounts that may line up with purchases you were already planning on making, just be sure you don’t break the bank if you plan on snatching up cheaper gear
bring good shoes - you will be walking a lot
bring a mobility device - one-wheel, ebike, scooter, it can help to get around that expo grounds quicker
-Bring something that feels like you (favorite beer, drink, cooking recipe, a personal sticker/decal) and share with some strangers! It can be great fun to meet new folks and just shoot the breeze!
I’d say it depends on personal physicality/ desire.
I’ve only been as a worker/ partner with vendors, so I only got 15 minute breaks to see the show.
I wouldn’t have seen more than 10% of the show if I had been limited to walking.
Borrowing the team’s ebike meant I could see a lot in a short amount of time while still being available to help sell stuff at my own host booth.
I went last year to and utilized their pass to stay on the Expo grounds. Didn’t get much privacy, but had phenomenal neighbors from England. Shared difference cheeses, recipes, mods and vendors I didn’t know were there. This go-round, I’m staying at James River State Park, mainly for ease of facilities and my own space. I concur with the above ideas. (Comfortable footwear, backpack, and prepare for any type of weather/temperature).
East is unlike the other Expo events. Its closer to what overland expo started as and still remains a community camping event with vendors rather than a vendor event with camping. The event venue is relatively small compared to the other expos and you’ll find it difficult to navigate a bike or one wheel through the vendor area but it is absolutely a great idea to get from camp to the classes or bar/food areas.
It’s crowded but also one of my favorite venues. Its rained one year I’ve gone and it turns into that typical virginia fall mud so bring rain gear and extra clothes. The showers they had in 2022 were amazing but the lines were rather long. If thinking of camping on site I would suggest arriving on Thursday if possible to secure a better location and claim some space around yourself so you don’t have a campsite with neighbors closer than NYC apartments.
I’ll be driving down from Fairbanks for the event and teaching a few classes so if you see the Red gladiator with GFC and Alaska flag give me a shout!