PNW GFC Owners Ochocos Summer Solstice Outing

Tentative yes, may make a trip back home that weekend but am not sure yet.


Very interested!

Bumping the topic and fielding more interest.

Still interested and have the date marked on my calendar. Any thoughts on route and/or specific camping location @heaveho?

Here’s a destination I have marked off that I’d like to get to. I’m not overly focused on that specific waytpoint, but that area in general where we can go in and out of the canyon. We’d officially start in Prineville and weave our way through the forest roads… Doing this trip over 3 day trip on the weekend of June 24th (Saturday) is what I’m envisioning.

Hopefully this can excite some more folks


Just as a heads up that North Folk Wilderness Study area seemed to be burned out pretty good. I have ridden sleds in that area, so I haven’t been there in the summer, but it isn’t far from that spot to a lot of nice views and mature forest. Be an awesome spot to explore around. Wish I could join!

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I’m a potential yes right now, I could probably get out of town early Friday. I’m not familiar at all with the ochocos.

Here are some more details as the trip is right around the corner.

Start: Friday June 23, 2023 @ 1pm. We will leave at 1:45 pm
End: Sunday June 25, 2023

Meetup point:

Wagner’s Market
930 N Main St, Prineville, OR 97754

Radios that use the FRS / FRMS ranges are recommended. We will decide on the frequency at the meetup point.

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Thanks Albert

Looking forward to it. I might head out of portland Thursday evening and camp along the way.

Do you have an idea of how many miles of trail you want to do in the ochocos?

I don’t mind doing 30-40 miles in the range.

If we go north to something like Peterson’s point. There’s a reasonable chance snow will be there since it’s at 6200 ft. We can then cut west to the grasslands, through Mt Pisgah and Old Kelley Mill, where I think could be a reasonable finish to the 2nd day. I’d be happy if we fall short because I’d rather take our time.

If we go south, we can go to the Maury Mountains. This is my second choice at the moment.


Sounds good. I’m looking forward to it as well, I’ve never been to the Ochocos and I’m excited to get to know that area a bit.

@Zr2_Matt and @rdonahe and I had a great trip to the Ochocos and the John Day river this past weekend. Thank you both for joining and here are some photos that came from it.


Thanks @heaveho for organizing and leading the way. It was a lot of fun to explore the area.


Jealous! Looks like an excellent trip

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Thanks @heaveho for planning such a great route. I had a great time getting out with you and @rdonahe.



By any chance, did any one of you record your route? I am going to head out to Ochoco for a solo trip the first weekend of August and was hoping for an idea of where to go