PNW: Owyhee Canyonlands / Alvord Desert / Steens Mountain trip?

The OPB article specifically uses the term Off Highway Vehicle use. I don’t think that applies to us as we are street legal and will be traversing existing roads.

I came across this article

Securing Historic Wildlands Protections in the Owyhee Canyonlands - Oregon Natural Desert Association (

and concluded it’s unlikely that we’d run into significant closures end of month. The effort is still in a planning stage. If there are closures, I doubt it would affect reaching popular recreational areas which also serve agriculture and infrastructure.

[From the article]

In 2021, the Biden administration directed the Bureau to further review and adjust its final proposal for the SEORMP. Now, after more than two years of additional analysis, the Bureau has finally adopted its SEORMP plan amendment. The new plan—

** Protects wilderness values on 417,190 acres of public lands in 33 separate LWCs. These areas are now excluded from major rights-of-way, commercial energy projects, and certain mining activities. Another 882,000 acres in 43 separate roadless areas will still be classified as LWC and recognized by the Bureau as part of the environmental baseline for projects and land management going forward.*
** Limits cross-country motorized use to two OHV play areas, near Vale, Oregon, that comprise 40,000 of the planning area’s 4.6 million acres. This means 99.9% of the SEORMP planning area — including all 33 of the protected LWC areas — is either closed to OHVs or limited to existing routes. This will help preserve some of the most biologically intact and unfragmented sagebrush habitat in the West.*
** Calls for the Bureau to ensure permitted livestock grazing does not damage wilderness and habitat values. This includes: (1) making changes to grazing management any time a grazing allotment is not meeting ecological standards; (2) not increasing grazing where it could cause negative impacts to other resources; and (3) considering compatibility with wilderness and other values — including whether grazing should be discontinued — any time a rancher decides to voluntarily relinquish a grazing permit.*

The plan will now govern the Bureau’s management of these public lands for decades to come; a robust new public process would be required to make any changes to these protections. Most importantly, the Bureau decision provides an outstanding foundation for even more wildlands conservation through our Owyhee Canyonlands campaign.

Hey, forgot to check in on this post but I’m still available to meet in burns Thursday for this trip.

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I did get a reply from BLM stating that the article I ran across only pertains to off road use. The roads to Leslie Gulch and Three Forks areas are confirmed open to vehicle use per BLM.

So good news!

Glad to hear it.

So we have confirmed:

I’m going to start a more detailed DM with all the confirmed attendees so as not to clutter the general forum traffic. If anyone else is planning to join please let me know here or in a DM and I will add you.

Looks like I am going to be able to make it after all.

Excellent! I’ll see if I can add you to our planning DM. If I can’t add you to an existing DM I will get you caught up and start a new one. Glad you can make it sir.

Have fun and safe travels everyone! Next time…

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Work came up. Get some good shots of the tight spots for me so I know what I am getting into later in the summer.

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An epic trip is now in the books under the PNW area. We look forward to another event in the near future!

Spotty showers
@rdonahe Morning coffee routines
Three Forks Recreation Area
Alvord Desert
Getting dusted by @Dogandagladiator
@babyyota Showing how to Go Fast.


Nice! Adding mine here too.



Woah! That looks amazing!

Bummed I had to sit this one out! Work obligations got in the way. :frowning_face: Looks like you scored good weather though!

@heaveho @babyyota

These are epic shots!!

Looks like it was a fantastic trip! Thanks for posting and making the rest of us jealous — been to some of those exact spots and love it out there. Would have loved to join but couldn’t make it work. Next time!


@Dogandagladiator Where’s Roscoe?


Honestly I can’t see him half the time he’s outside :joy:

I’m a little late to the party here but better late than never. Thanks to @Zr2_Matt , @Dogandagladiator , @babyyota & @heaveho for joining me on this trip that had been incubating for a year since my first post about it here. It was a great crew and some absolutely special scenery.

The Toyota + GFC ad


so sick! congratulations on pulling this off, nailing the weather, and getting some great photos. hope new connections were forged and future trips were schemed! would love to join one someday…

been thinking recently about doing a loop of olympic peninsula, pacific coast, WABDR, and southern CA thru vancouver. Doing an early-season WABDR with chainsaws to clear the trail could be a fun adventure