PNW: Owyhee Canyonlands / Alvord Desert / Steens Mountain trip?

Keep me in the loop. This will be my second year sawing with Evergreen, and the main reason I finally pulled the trigger on a setup.

Wow guys, looks like I missed an amazing trip. Beautiful pictures and I’m sure good times.
If you plan this again, or other trips up that way let me know as I am interested in doing WABDR again, ORBDR or . . .
I am planning to do the new CABDR - North (S to N) that was just dropped in Sept, fires willing. Currently have a couple friends tentative. If anyone is interested let me know. Just finished NVBDR as far as Elko solo, which was an adventure.


Depending on timing I would be interested in the NCABDR! ORBDR is this July…I loved the NV as well as Wyoming

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just letting yall know that I am planning to hit up Leslie Gulch on 8/5 on my way to Alaska!
feel free to join me!

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