Post Your Pudding Here (2025)

This is the place to share a snapshot of each night out camping and gain community status for 2025.

Our community is adventurous and values nights out exploring our interesting world. You will earn status from Mall Crawler to Lifer by sharing your adventures and nights you’ve spent in a GFC with the forum. Status is tracked throughout the year and resets annually, but we’ll commemorate your travels with a surprise to cap off your efforts.

Here’s how it works: The count is determined by how many nights you spend in your GFC on an annual basis. To have your nights counted, you must post one photo per night out within this pudding thread to be counted. Each night you camp requires a new photo to be posted. We will then count the number of nights and automatically put you into the group statuses below.

To spell it out…

  • STEP 1: Get out there in your GFC and take a photo of each day/ night you camp. We don’t care where you do it, just get out there and be sure to take a daily snapshot of your rig in its natural habitat.
  • STEP 2: Upon your return, jump into this thread, hit reply, and upload ONE photo for each night you camped. If you camped 5 nights, you post 5 photos.
  • STEP 3: Our automated system then takes a daily inventory of the photos you post as you work towards one statuses below.

No rules, but photos must be from this year. Have fun with this and don’t try to game the system. :metal:


  • MALL CRAWLER (0 Nights): We’ve all crawled a mall or two in our day. As a new user this is your official status until you’ve leveled up to a weekend warrior. To escape this status go camping and make your first night’s post! If your first night is actually at a mall, well then, you’ll get a GFC mall-crawler sticker.
  • WEEKEND WARRIOR (1-49 Nights): Got at least one night in your GFC? Congrats for getting out there! As they say, the secret is to begin.
  • WEEKEND LEGEND (50-99 Nights): 50-plus nights in a year? You’re a frickin’ legend. Like that kid from your neighborhood back in the 70s who jumped the canyon on his BMX bike without a helmet and may have lived to tell the tale. You deserve a velvet painting of yourself standing tall next to your truck to hang over your fireplace mantel. We’re not going to send you a painting, but we will send you a rad cnc-machined Weekend Legend badge to slap on your camper.
  • LIFER (99+ Nights): More than 99 nights per year in a GFC? You’re riding that thin line between adventurous and homeless and in our heart of hearts we want to be you. You’re living the dream for the rest of us and for that we’ll send you an even more rad Lifer badge. CNC-machined of course.
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Ask and you shall receive – new pudding is here! As for all you Weekend Legends and Lifers from 2024, we are going to be working on how to get you your badges and doodads from last year, don’t worry.

Cant wait to see where this thread goes this year, and who can get the most nights in their Camper (save some for the rest of us @DirtTrailsWanted and @Dogandajeep).


Lol no promises, last year was kinda a light year for us :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m just posing as a full time road lifer while admiring all the cool work @DirtTrailsWanted puts in!


Let’s get this party started!

Night 1, before crossing into Baja

Night 2, first night in Baja.

Night 3, somewhere in Baja

Night 4, somewhere in Baja

Night 5, Paraíso Misional camp ground. San Ignacio, BCS, Mexico.


See I’m already behind!

Night 1: Portage Valley (Snow not sand lol)

New Years Eve/New Years Day Camping Adventure video:


Night 0 and 1 (NYE eve and NYE):

Ran to StG since no snow to ski or ice to climb in SLC might as well climb a rock.

Added benefit of testing out the diesel heater in non-critical use (only plan to use it for ice climbing/skiing trips where heating to dry boots is critical)…

Sorry for the bonus photos but the dogs are too cute.


night 6, Paraíso Misional camp ground. San Ignacio, BCS, Mexico.

night 7, Paraíso Misional camp ground. San Ignacio, BCS, Mexico.


Night 1, Hipcamp in Ukiah, CA


night 8, just near Mulege, BCS

night 9, Mulege, BCS


Amazing footage!

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night 10, South of Mulege

night 11, just a mile down the road


Night 2: Susitna River

Night 3: Summit/Broad Pass in -40° temps

Youtube video of the experience:


-40 is mental!

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Yea I have a few screws loose rattling around on the floorboard somewhere lol. I’m planning a February trip where it could drop down below -60° so knowing the truck can handle the cold is a relief for sure.

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Perhaps you already mentioned this but is your jeep gasoline powered or diesel?

It’s gas (patrol?) powered. It’s much easier in cold weather but still not bullet proof. I already destroyed the original engine by freezing it solid :sweat_smile:

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How are you going to keep the coolant from freezing this time?

So the first time I had partial engine surgery done was back in March of 2023 because of a freak arctic storm that created 70mph wind gusts to come off the tundra and blew snow (Up here its insanely dry snow thats like sand) up into the engine from the bottom as I was sitting idling at the bottom of Atigun pass with a bunch of trucks. Ended up needing the lifters/rockers and a cam replaced.

Then in January of 2024 I went camping with friends and it was supposed to be 20 degrees above zero and by the time we got to camp it was -30°. Thought it would be fine but the engine didn’t like the constant idle and condensation developed. When I went to start the truck in the morning the timing gear obliterated itself because overnight the timing chain had frozen so when I went to start the truck the gear went to turn and all the teeth shredded off.

The mechanic at the dealership was shocked when they finally got everything taken apart.

So this time around I have a $5k electrical setup that will keep the engine from imploding…hopefully