Rear door Strut Removel

Good evening. i bought the replace ment struts on Amazon that have been talked about, But for the life of me I cant remove the oG struts. i have pulled out the small clips… but can not get the buggers off. any help would be appreciated!!

Just replaced mine today. It was a bit of a PITA. They are tight, pried them off with a prybar and a large screwdriver. The upper brackets got a little bent, but I straightened them out before reassembly. For the last one I ended up unscrewing the post and putting it in a vise to pry it up. Typically, I am gentle when working on mechanical things, that method was not successful.
Good luck.

I have a V2, but there is an easier way to take the struts off. There is a small clip around the base of the end of the strut that can be loosened with your fingernail, rotated around the stem of the strut and pulled out. The strut is now free to be pulled off the ball on the bracket. Hope this helps.

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Where are these Amazon struts? My rear door struts are pretty non-strutting right now.

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