Rear hatch tailgate seal super tight, really HARD to open! Bent flange?

My new Topper hatch has always been super difficult to open, from the moment the topper was installed, the tech did not seem dismayed and said it would get easier. Nope, two months later, even after wet sanding the plastic trim piece smooth and with dry window seal lube, I can barely force it open by dragging HARD rearwards on one latch to pop it free. My wife can’t open it at all.

I think the bottom flange is mis-shaped, it is not even close to being parallel with the top surface of the tailgate. Rather, it angles down at the back, trapping the seal entirely. There is less than 1/8" clearance in the center with the seal removed, standing outside the truck. The clearance increases slightly toward the sides. It is well over 1/4" at the the center from inside the truck bed. I was actually a little concerned about getting stuck in there when I closed it with me inside. Even with the rear latch “sliders” released it is definitely a SIGNIFICANT trapping hazard. I actually think that the flange should angle slightly UPWARD to the rear, in relation to the top of the tailgate, to reduce the chance of a trapped seal.

This is also going to trash the seal very quickly, since it gets wedged so hard in the grooves of the plastic tailgate cap. It is already looking distressed (many fine cracks where it bends.) View looking straight down on the closed hatch:

And with hatch open, the wider rear Ford “ledge” stands slightly taller than the other section toward the front, forming a barrier that the seal gets trapped behind:

Before I file a warranty claim and ask for them to ship me a new rear hatch with a tighter bend, plus a new tailgate seal and window gasket, is this in any way normal or acceptable? How hard is it to open yours? Does it look like mine?


John Davies
2024 Ford Ranger Raptor
GFC Topper, 11/24 installed

Bump, I would appreciate some responses about how hard it is to open YOUR rear hatch. Mine is a disaster, I actually removed the seal entirely or I would not be able to get it open.

I filled out a Service Request 7 business days ago and haven’t heard back yet.


John Davies
Spokane WA USA

Mine is a little snug but doesn’t take much more than a slight tug to pop open. They recommended for most openings to unlatch the rear panel, then drop the tailgate before lifting the panel itself. I know that’s impractical sometimes, but it helps when the tailgate and panel both move outward together.

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I was never told to pop the latches and open the tailgate at the same time, I might try that. But my flange is definitely out of true (angled downward). Is yours parallel or even slightly tilted up with reference to the top surface of the tailgate? Is your seal smashed really hard? A picture would be helpful.

Thanks for the reply.

Edit: I reinstalled the hatch seal and tried the method where you pop the two side latches and then open the tailgate. That works fine, but it happens explosively, kaPOW, like it is heavily spring loaded. Which it is, I guess. I will use this method until I can get it fixed correctly. But it remains an entrapment hazard, if you were inside the truck with everything closed, you would probably have to kick the hatch open violently. And I worry that my plastic tailgate trim piece is going to be damaged. Not a greatly long term solution!

John Davies
Spokane WA USA

Mine is just below parallel. Just enough to help create a seal, but not enough to create physical tension. That should be the seal itself’s job. Here are the few pictures I have on hand.



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